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Dr. Burke Rea
9th - 12th Grade Philosophy


Burke Rea is a part-time philosophy instructor at Regina Luminis Academy. He teaches full-time at Eastern University in the philosophy department and Masters of Classical Education program. He was born in Fresno, California, and received his PhD from Baylor University in 2022. He works mainly in action theory and bio-medical ethics, drawing on the 20th Century philosopher G.E.M. Anscombe and 13th Century saint/priest/theologian/mystic/philosopher/hymn-writer St. Thomas Aquinas. (Taking a cue from Anscombe, he often translates the concepts of the Angelic Doctor, uncredited, into the parlance of secular philosophy. Hopefully Aquinas will forgive the breach of intellectual property.) He is, however, first and foremost a teacher, concerned with "turning the souls" of his students towards higher and nobler things.


His wife (Mrs. Ruth Rea - RLA's wonderful lower-school art teacher) and he were married in 2019 in Texas. They enjoy cooking, picnics, and playing a variety of tabletop games together.

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