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Dr. Nicholas Scoville
Math & Philosophy


Nick Scoville is a part-time instructor at Regina Luminis Academy who teaches calculus, quadrivium, and metaphysics from the Aristotelian-Thomistic tradition.  He believes that good theology begins with good philosophy and that humanity reached its intellectual high point with the thought of the Scholastics, most notably Thomas Aquinas. He is the chair of mathematics and computer science at Ursinus College where he teaches mathematics full-time. He was born and raised in Grand Rapids Michigan, received his PhD in mathematics from Dartmouth College in 2010, and moved to Pennsylvania with his wife Jennifer and children that same year.

When not engaged in Scholasticism or mathematics, he enjoys running, cooking Indian food, old school country music, suits, tie knots, Italian opera, playing ragtime piano, and coffee.  He is the father of seven daughters so far.

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